In Game of Thrones, the Wall is an immense ice structure that stands as the last line of defense against the dangers lurking beyond the known world. Built by the ancient children of the forest, the Wall is located at the northernmost point of Westeros, guarding the realm from the supernatural dangers of the far north, including the White Walkers. Just like Hadrian’s Wall, the Wall in Game of Thrones represents a division between civilization and the unknown wilderness beyond. The themes of boundary, defense, and the presence of a dark, mysterious force beyond the wall draw striking parallels to Hadrian’s Wall.
The Symbolism of Division
One of the most prominent themes in both the history of Hadrian’s Wall and in Game of Thrones is the idea of a clear boundary separating two vastly different worlds. Hadrian’s Wall was built as a defense against the wild tribes of the north, just as the Wall in Game of Thrones serves as a barrier against the supernatural threats beyond. Both walls represent the efforts of a civilization to protect itself from an untamable force that threatens to destroy the order they have established.
In Game of Thrones, the Wall is not just a physical barrier but also a symbolic one. It marks the division between the known world of the Seven Kingdoms and the unknown, dangerous territories where the White Walkers reside. Similarly, Hadrian's Wall marked the boundary between the Roman Empire and the wild northern tribes. Both walls encapsulate the fear of what lies beyond and the desire to keep that fear at bay.
The Role of the Watchmen
In both the historical and fictional worlds, the walls are defended by soldiers tasked with watching over the boundary. Hadrian’s Wall was manned by Roman soldiers, who were stationed in forts along the wall, tasked with defending the empire from raids. These soldiers lived in harsh conditions, often facing raids from northern tribes such as the Picts.
Similarly, the Wall in Game of Thrones is manned by the Night’s Watch, a brotherhood of men who dedicate their lives to guarding the Wall and defending the realm from the dangers beyond. Like the soldiers on Hadrian’s Wall, the men of the Night’s Watch are often portrayed as struggling with isolation, harsh conditions, and the responsibility of protecting the realm from an uncertain, dangerous enemy. shutdown123
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